Banaba/OceBanaba/Ocean Island News Jun-Jul-Aug 1997
This issue FEATURES the HOMECOMING TRIP 1997. Which includes a full Secretary's Report by Stacey King. 'Snippets' from HOMECOMING letters and 'Thank You' to all those involved in making the trip possible. There are Three Feature Stories in this issue all told by participants in the HOMECOMING trip. Marion Laritz, Australia, Garry Hawkins, United Kingdom and Natalie Minnis, Scotland. This issue includes Membership renewal and Nomination Form for new Society financial year. Total 22 pages.
No. 26 Banaba/Ocean Island News Jun-Jul-Aug 1997
Banaban Ocean Island Newsletter
Banaban Ocean Island Newsletter from Feb 1993 - June 1998 recording historical stories and capturing everyday life on Banaba and Rabi Islands during this period through to the building of the Banaban Heritage Society network globally.
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Copyright © Raobeia Ken Sigrah and Stacey King. All rights reserved.
Banaban Vision Publications
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