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Banaba/Ocean Island News Sep-Oct 1995

A special issue introducing the newly formed - BANABAN HERITAGE SOCIETY INC. This issue sees the change over of current ‘News’ members to automatic membership in the newly formed Society. From this issue the Newsletter will be known as the official newsletter for THE BANABAN HERITAGE SOCIETY INC. Our feature story comes from one of the Society’s Honorary Counsel team - Ellie Marsden, as she explains the main functioning and objectives of the Society. Also included is an insert Order Form for Banaban Greeting Cards and Rabi Police Badges. 17 page issue.

No. 17 Banaba/Ocean Island News Sep-Oct 1995

  • Banaban Ocean Island Newsletters

    Banaban Ocean Island Newsletter from Feb 1993 - June 1998 recording historical stories and capturing everyday life on Banaba and Rabi Islands during this period through to the building of the Banaban Heritage Society network globally.

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    Copyright © Raobeia Ken Sigrah and Stacey King.  All rights reserved.

    Banaban Vision Publications

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