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Te Rii ni Banaba - backbone of Banaba, is a history of Banaba, situated in the Central Pacific, once known as Ocean Island. By recording genealogies, myths, legends, customs, culture, magic rituals and the long-kept secrets of the te Aka clan reveals the uniqueness of Banaban identity. The arrival of the I-Matang (Europeans), beachcombers, blackbirders, whalers, missionaries, and the miners in 1900, with the discovery of phosphate (guano) and a heartbreaking trail of loss, exploitation and environmental degradation from mining. The toll of World War II atrocities suffered during the Japanese invasion, and the subsequent forced exile of the Banabans from their homeland. The recorded names of those tragically killed on Banaba during the War and displaced Banaban survivors who were exiled on Rabi, Fiji in 1945.

This second edition includes additional photographs, the discovery of the missing link of the Toakira, the search for Teimanaia's skull, identification of the landowners from the first agreements in 1900, and insights into the famous 1975 Banaban Court Case. It also provides details of villages lost to mining for future generations to trace their genealogies and land rights. Although remote and now decimated by mining, Banaba remains in the hearts of all Banabans.

Te Rii ni Banaba - backbone of Banaba, offers not only traditional knowledge and historical research but also the authors commitment to save the remaining evidence of the old Banaba. The book is essential reading for Banabans, and for a broader audience keen to learn more about migrations, environment, human rights and the fate of an indigenous people in the modern world.


Raobeia Ken Sigrah - More Information

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Te Rii ni Banaba – Backbone of Banaba Copyright © Raobeia Ken Sigrah and Stacey King.  All rights reserved.

Banaban Vision Publications.

This book may not be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing form the authors. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review.

First published 2001

Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, Fiji 2001.

Cover designed by Stacey King

This book is a second revised edition of the history of the Banabans from an indigenous perspective. Cultural information contained in this book is endorsed by Banaban Clan elders involved in this history. The authors have provided information sourced from original documents, photographs and interviews either owned or kindly donated to the authors. All other reference material has been sourced as quoted.  Internal diagrams were created and/or supplied by the authors.



Te Rii ni Banaba - backbone of Banaba (EBOOK)

SKU: 978-0-6485462-0-7
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